Monday, February 7, 2011

The curious case of Bt Brinjal

India grows eight million tonnes of natural brinjals. In fact, in various parts of north India, brinjal is produced in excess and sometimes most of it is fed to the cows so why should one compromise with their health. As far as anyone can tell, there is no crisis in India’s brinjal production.
Bt brinjal produces a protein in the vegetable cells that induce antibiotic resistance. It may also indicate that old GM technology is being used as the technology has already moved on from antibiotic resistance marker genes.

Talking to Explore Mr. Narayanan, an Agriculturist said "Agriculture is a culture that should receive holistic treatment and not the piecemeal introduction of highly toxic inputs that poison a regions daily food. It is one of the livelihood sectors that would suffer drastically through these unnecessary inputs."

Another shocking review is that there have been no independent tests conducted by the Ministry of Health, considering that this is an important food crop in the country. The entire approval process in the country is being pushed at high speed by the Department of Biotechnology, some bilateral agencies like the USAID and the private biotech industry. This is unacceptable since the primary stakeholders like farmers and consumers and some Ministries like Health are not being involved in these decision-making processes.

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